WATCH: Iriminage with Wakizashi: Soft & Sensitive Connection

Seminar: Bewegung & Lebenskunst Dojo in Bonn, Germany

With just 2 more weeks until the New Year, maybe you’re thinking of New Year’s goals? Is one of your New Year’s goals to take your Aikido to the next level? To continue improving?

If so, I hope today’s video will give you some insight, inspiration, and motivation.

In today’s video, I share a couple clips from a seminar I did a couple months ago in Bonn, Germany. If you watched last week’s video, you may remember that the technique was ikkyo and I stressed maintaining a soft and sensitive connection, as well as NOT FORCING uke to do something.

Today’s video has the same theme of maintaining a soft, sensitive connection, but we’re working on Shomen Uchi Iriminage.

Check it out!

And after you've watched it, let me know in the comments section what seminars you’re going to attend in 2023 and what your “Aikido goals” are in the new year.

For that matter, of course please feel free to leave any questions, as well.

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