WATCH: Shihonage with Wakizashi - New Insights for the New Year - Part 1

Do you slip into "auto pilot" doing Katatedori Shihonage? Revitalize, rethink, and renew, by integrating shoto.
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Happy New Year! I hope your year is off to a great start!

Do you have any goals for your Aikido? Is one of your New Year’s goals to take your Aikido to the next level? Or maybe you have a more specific goal, like improving your posture, your flexibility, …

If so, I hope today’s video will give you some insight, inspiration, and motivation.

Last week I told you that I’d be sharing a special video today to start the New Year with a bang!

The footage is from a seminar I did a couple months ago in Bonn, Germany, like many of my recent videos. But in these particular clips, I illustrate the footwork for shihonage, using bokken and shoto/wakizashi kata. You can also see all the students lined up, practicing this footwork with their shoto. Again, it’s a bit different from my usual shoto vidoes, where I do a lot of ikkyo and iriminage.

Using the shoto and bokken for shihonage really helped the students learn how to generate lots of movement from uke, without feeling the need to push or pull.

Let’s check it out.

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