Books in bulk
The Teacher
Interview with
Lia Suzuki Sensei
by Simone Chierchini
Book contents
- From Horse Riding to Budo
- The Japan Experience
- Back Home
- Building Intuition
- Morihei Ueshiba and the “Little Invincible Warriors”
- Attracting New Students to Aikido
- Non-Violence in Aikido
- Leading by Example
- Women Who Forget Femininity
- Arrogance
- No to Homogenisation in Aikido
- Aikido and Distance Teaching
- Body Alignment

What people are saying...

Isabel Planells Chicharro
4th dan, Aikikai
Gran Canaria, Spain

What people are saying...

Arjan de Vries
Ima Juku Dojo Cho, 5th dan
"Women in aikido are the minority unfortunately. So even better that a high ranking aikido teacher like Lia is taking the time to write some of her perspective on aikido during her first years and nowadays where she takes advantage of a virtual surrounding so aikido continues in these troublesome times.
Easy to read and honest answers to the questions of the interviewer. It is not easy to stay on the mat in this world dominated by men. So Lia is an example to women AND men! Her life seems to be all about aikido and her goal is to share this with everyone who wants to listen and experience our lovely art!
Keep up the good work!"
What people are saying...

Shane Mitchell
Cork, Ireland

About Lia Suzuki Sensei
Lia Suzuki Sensei, founder and director of Aikido Kenkyukai International USA, began her Aikido training in 1982 under William Gleason Sensei. She soon moved to Japan to train with Yoshinobu Takeda Shihan, one of Seigo Yamaguchi Shihan’s most accomplished students. She lived in Japan and trained extensively in Aikido from 1987 to 1996. At the urging of Takeda Shihan, Suzuki Sensei returned to establish dojos in the USA in 1996. She currently holds the rank of 6th dan Aikikai and travels extensively as a guest instructor, conducting Aikido seminars in dojos around the world.
Over the years, Lia Sensei has dedicated her training to promoting inclusion in the world of Aikido and increasing the popularity of Aikido among young people, Gen Z and Millennials. Since founding AKI USA in 1996, she has also led various philanthropic and social projects and initiatives.
More recently, through her work at the Virtual Dojo, she has provided Aikido teachers and students with the resources they needed to navigate the challenging times we are facing, helping them navigate and adapt to the new world of online training.
110 Engaging Pages
110 pages, filled with Suzuki Sensei's insights and experiences not found elsewhere!
Crisp, Clear Photos
Enjoy photos of Suzuki Sensei from over the years, dating all the way back to 1982! Photos of her with Takeda Shihan, Gleason Sensei and others, not easily found.