Free Online Workshops

Choose one of the following:
  • Shoto (Short Sword) to Enhance Your Empty-Hand Aikido Technique
  • The 3 Lines of Equilibrium in Budo
  • The 3 Fundamental Body Positions in Budo



Lia Suzuki

Shihan, 7th dan Aikikai

Aikido Kenkyukai International USA

Register Now

What You'll Learn In These Workshops

Shoto / Wakizashi

(Short Sword)

Enhance Your Empty-Hand Aikido Technique

In this session, I'll introduce my work with shoto (short sword) and teach you ways to use this traditional weapon to gain new insights in your Aikido and improve your empty-hand technique.

The 3 Lines of Equilibrium in All Budo

Preserve Your Body

There are 3 lines of equilibrium that we must maintain in order for our technique to be effective and in order to keep ourselves free from injury. In this session, I'll introduce these 3 important lines and we will apply this knowledge to some traditional techniques.

The 3 Basic Body Positions in All Budo

Improve Your Technique

In this session, we will delve into the 3 Basic Body Positions in Budo. We'll explore the impact each position has on your Aikido technique and how to utilize the positions, according to each unique situation.

Your Instructor:

Lia Suzuki

Shihan, 7th dan, Aikikai

Lia Suzuki Sensei is a senior student of Yoshinobu Takeda Shihan and National Director and Founder of Aikido Kenkyukai International USA.

For nearly 10 years, she lived and trained intensively under Takeda Shihan in Japan. Suzuki Sensei's experience in Japan also gave her the opportunity to train with the late Yamaguchi Sensei and other notable masters.

She currently is based in Los Angeles, and directly oversees several dojos in her network in the USA. Suzuki Sensei travels extensively throughout the world, teaching at dojos outside of her affiliation, as well.

Her mission is to foster inclusion in the Aikido world, rather than division, and to increase Aikido’s popularity among youth and those in their 20's and 30's.

What people are saying...

"It was surprising how much one can learn from an Aikido Zoom session. I learned a lot."



"Shalom Lia Suzuki Sensei,

In general, I was expecting 8 meetings of one hour. You gave much more! Sorry I could not join all the sessions. I will follow and watch all the videos.

You are doing a wonderful job. Keep going!

All the best!"



"I wanted to let you know that your class is helping me in ways other than aikido. I was doing yoga the other day and was having trouble with my balance. After I shifted my foot to 65 degrees and made sure I was not in a tightrope, things got better."

Jem Sebastian-Wortman

Clayton, CA, USA

"I wanted to share that I am noticing improvements because of your zoom trainings, which I think is very cool! 😁 Like the nikkyo exercise with the jo; I really notice that now I'm finding nikkyo easier to do because of it, where before I was always struggling a lot. And many other small differences."



"I learned to be more aware of my posture (alignment) when doing any movements (suburi, irimi-tenkan, etc) in Aikido, and it feels good. If I can get my body to learn the feet positioning, I know I will be more stable too. My two feet have the habit of 'standing on a tightrope'; I didn't realize that was causing me to wobble every time I change my hanmi direction. I will be looking forward to the recorded videos, and your other future zoom seminars too. Thanks for the classes and your feedback, they have definitely improved my Aikido.

Thanks for putting a lot of thought into the sessions. See you in the next one!"



"Thank you again for your wonderful instructions and guidance.

The classes were very well structured and planned. Also, the videos were very helpful to deepen my understanding (although I sometimes had to motivate my lazy self :) (“Omoi Koshi Wo Ageru”)). I learned a lot and will keep working on the footwork, alignment and techniques with the help of the videos.

Thank you again Sensei and I will see you and hopefully others in September!"

Kaoruko Ando

Seattle, WA, USA

"Thanks a lot for your support this year. The virtual classes are so valuable for me. And more helpful than only videos. Some movements are new or not so well known to me. But the systems are so nice. I had some discussions about virtual aikido training and somebody said virtual aikido is not possible. But in my experience, it is. I've learned so much so I am very grateful to you for your help."



Sessions Via ZOOM Video Conference

Workshop sessions take place on the Zoom video conference platform. Zoom is easy to use and a great way to train virtually with our global dojo community! 

All you need for joining the calls is a good internet connection and a camera on your laptop or desktop. It's a simple click of the Zoom link to join the conference call.

For mobile devices, all you need to do is download the Zoom App in the APP STORE, or on GOOGLE PLAY for Android devices.